Free LWYT Blog

Help! What is going on with my teen, and what can I do about it? .

Do you find yourself wondering about whether the changes and (sometimes) unusual behaviour you are seeing in your teen is normal?

Are you  worried that times have changed so much you’re not sure how to react to the changes?

If you are having those thoughts, relax. You (and your kid) are normal! While adolescence – the physical, emotional and psychological changes – haven’t changed, the context of adolescence has changed more dramatically than ever in history. As has been said, you were never their age!

Do you wish you could get some advice and reassurance but haven’t got the time to go to a course or study some long book? If you do, we have a FREE solution for you.

My name is Graham Hyman, and I’ve been working with teens my entire professional life as well as presenting parenting seminars to parents just like you for over 30 years. The two things people say after every seminar are “Have you been spying on MY house?” And “Thank you, I feel so reassured and confident now”

I know two things parents of teens have in common: they worry if they are doing the right thing, and they don’t have time to go to courses or read long books because when you are the parent of a 10 to 17 year old child life is often just too hectic!

I am currently converting my live seminar Living With Your Teenager into an eBook that gradually being rolled out as a series of blog posts. The first 4 are done and the next episodes will be released fortnightly beginning in June 2024

To get your free access, please fill out the form below.  Will collect your name, email address and school for validation purposes and for one follow-up email to give you the opportunity to provide a brief review. We will really appreciate your feedback.